About the Farm/Us

Kate and Martin Bankes

Kate and Martin Bankes

We are a family run livestock farm of about 300 acres in size, producing and selling our own beef, pork and lamb locally. We farm very extensively and in an environmentally friendly way.

Animal welfare, together with maintenance and conservation of the variety of habitats present on the farm encouraging natural wildlife, are both at the forefront of our farming.

Kate Bankes, who has nearly ten years experience of running School visits to Copsegrove Farm, is an experienced qualified teacher with a PGCE in Secondary Science and Paediatric first aid training.

One thought on “About the Farm/Us

  1. Hi Kate
    We met on Saturday in the airport! I am so jealous, of your home/work place. All the activities that you do look fantastic and you have such a wonderful space – my tiny copse looks very meager. The organisation that I was trying to remember was FACE http://www.face-online.org.uk/ it has a ‘find a farm to visit’ area and other info. I suppose they would charge you to use it but it looks like a good networking site too. I just wanted to let you know this ASAP whilst it is on my mind. I’ll be back in touch again soon.
    I am missing the sea and the sun but loving the Autumn colours that we are surrounded by.
    All the best


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